Service of Pastoral care & Prayer Tree
Ministry Statement
To respond to the pastoral care needs of all members and adherents of Killarney United Church and to provide community building opportunities for the congregation.
1. Visitation: A systematic and effective program of congregational visitation, together with a plan to decide where visits are needed and ensuring that visits are made either by the minister or lay visitors.
2. Community Building:
a) Plan and co-ordinate congregational community building events such as coffee hours, congregational lunches, welcome events for new comers and farewells for departing members as appropriate.
b) Arrange transportation to church for people as needed.
3. Membership ( in co-operation with the Minister):
a) Keep a membership roll up to date. Record admissions, removals, deaths transfers (send out a transfer certificate) and see if non-resident members wish their membership to be transferred.
b) Keep records of Baptisms, Burials, Marriages
c) Assist in keeping current list of all families
4. Outreach & Stewardship
5. Duties in the congregation: Keep congregation informed with Missionary & Stewardship education.
6. Newsletter and information: Co-ordinate the publication and distribution of a church newsletter & publicize all congregational events in local press.
Killarney United Church Prayer Tree
„Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened”. (Matt 7: 7-8)
What is the Prayer?
* The act or place where we seek to meet and participate in God’s transforming power.
* A powerful force in the lives of people.
* A gift from God – the opportunity to meet with God with our lips and our hearts, and to know that God listens.
The Message: We Believe in God. God is with us. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Your pain is our pain.
Your sorrow is our sorrow.
Your hope is our hope.
Your joy is our joy.
The Killarney United Prayer Tree is comprised of women and men who, as a part of their personal ministry, have come together to pray with our Church family members and our community about their concerns, joys, sorrows and needs.
Rooted in our belief in the power of prayer and praying together, and all parts making up the “tree”, Prayer Tree members have prepared themselves to pray for the expressed requests for prayer from people in our church and community.
How does It Works?
Prayer requests can be made in the following ways:
1. Call the Church office at : 523-8924 and speak to the minister. (Leave a message if after-hours; messages are picked up daily)
2. E-mail the Church office at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3. Complete this request form and give to an usher, minister or leave on the collection plate.
Please provide the name(s) of those for whom prayers are requested, their relationship to you (sister, friend, co-worker), and what is needed (i.e. prayers for healing due to cancer; prayers of thanksgiving on landing a job etc).
Make a Request Prayer requests are communicated to the rest of the prayer tree (usually within 24 hours of receipt) and will be held in prayer for a minimum of two weeks, unless otherwise specified.
If you would like a Prayer Tree member to follow-up with you, please include your telephone number or e-mail address.
All prayer requests are held in strict confidence by Prayer Tree members.
Prayer Tree Request Form