Worship Services
Purpose: To consider and recommend for adoption every means possible which will assist in enabling the congregation to know and understand their relationship to one another and to God through the media of public worship. To plan and attend to the implementation of the different aspects of worship.
Membership & responsibilities: The Worship Committee shall have the minister and six members - the Choir Director (who acts as a liaison between the committee and the Choir) and five members elected from the congregation.
Quorum: One half plus one of qualified members.
Committee members will have 5 sub committees of:
1 .Worship Service & Pulpit Supply - responsible for:
a) Discerning congregational evaluation of worship services and recommending desired changes.
b) Arranging for special services -i.e. Lenten Service, Thanksgiving Service, Advent / White Gift Services. Confirmation and Transfer Services and advertising same.
c) Arrange pulpit supply & organist/ pianist supply when needed.
d) Recommend changes or additions to the sanctuary to enhance worship i.e. Easter / Lenten Services (stripping Sanctuary) and arranging Flower / Memorial fund, decorating sanctuary for Thanksgiving, Advent service including White Gift Sunday and dispersal of gifts, decorating the Christmas tree and sanctuary also adding appropriate banners.
2. Sacraments - Responsible for:
a) Communion: to arrange for the preparation of the communion elements, the setting of the table and the distribution of the elements to the congregation. Any church member or adherent may be asked to prepare elements and serve as the communion service.
b) Baptism: To assist the minister in preparing the families for baptism by visiting the family with the minister. To present the families desiring baptism and give out the baptism certificates and baptism candle.
c) Wedding: to approve all wedding requests conducted at Killarney United Church with our minister presiding.
3. Ushering Committee responsible for: securing ushers for all public worship services, funerals, and special services from our sanctuary and instruct them of their tasks. Any member or adherent of Killarney United Church may be asked to perform these tasks.
4. Lay readers is responsible for: arranging for Lay Readers for Worship Services. Also, care and maintenance of hymn books.
5. Banners is responsible for: the hanging of appropriate Banners according to the Church Seasons.
Choir Leader: is responsible for presenting the interests and concerns of the choir and committee members. To work with the minister in coordinating the music and anthems with the lectionary themes.
Meetings: the first half of every month, or as required by the chairperson. The committee elects its own chairperson and secretary. Any two representatives from the committee may become delegates to the Church Council.
Worship Space
The sanctuary features seating for approximately 386 which includes the balcony.
The pulpit is not fixed but can be located anywhere on the raised step which runs the entire width of the building.
The sanctuary has computer image projection capabilities and a “sound and light” booth.
Also new offices for two ministers, a central administrative office, a “warm up” room for the choir, storage rooms for custodial supplies, washrooms, the lift and a generous meeting area.
The new worship space was a 1.3 million dollar expenditure. The congregation raised half of this prior to construction.
The sanctuary is attached to the Christian Education hall, and connected by a few steps as well as a wheelchair lift. The hall was entirely re-insulated and finished in 2009.
The kitchen, lighting, windows and flooring have all been replaced or updated. The downstairs features 4 Sunday school class rooms, bathrooms, vacant office space and a hall that currently serves as a nursery school centre.